Online Color Palette Tools

I was inspired by this Bella Knitting blog post to spend some time with my color wheel and a box of colored pencils. I also started poking around online and found a few more color picking and palette generating tools.

On Color Schemer (the one mentioned on the Bella Knitting blog), you can browse color schemes that other people have uploaded. The real product they're trying to sell is their $50 Color Schemer software, but there is a quick-and-dirty online palette generator on their site. The generated palettes tend to be pretty garish, though. They also offer a nifty little free doo-dad that tells you the value of any pixel on your screen.

Then there's this site for generating palettes. It tends towards monochromatic or 2-hued schemes.

This flickr toy from Big Huge Labs will create a scheme based on a photo you upload or give it a link to. It's pretty nice. has a very similar function (for online photos only) that offers a little more control. They also have an "advanced color palette tool," COPASO, but it only works with uploaded photos, and you'll have to create an account to save your work.


These are great resources. Thanks for sharing.

I know I saw a website somewhere where people created color schemes and shared their favorites. I can't remember what it was called.

The Pantone website also has color forecasts.

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