Still In Progress- Bryan's Handspun Socks
I finished the first sock and got a good start on the second. The toe of the first sock was the beginning of each bobbin, where each ply is black. The colors line up pretty well through much of the sock. The second half of the skein looks like it's going to be more jumbly. Oh, well. I don't mind the 2 socks being different, although next time I'll probably split my fiber into 2 identical parts before splitting any further. I probably will mind if they look like they came from 2 different yarns.
I'm probably going to be talking about food here a lot more since I joined the Two Small Farms CSA. I highly recommend them, and there's still spots open at most of the pickup sites. New members can start with a 4 week trial, as we did. Every week I go to a house around the block and pick up a giant bag of veggies and strawberries. It's really more fun than challenging to figure out how to use everything. The CSA has a great newsletter and many more recipes archived on their website. Sometimes I find other recipes on the web that I can use or adapt. A couple of my latest discoveries are this spinach or orach pizza (never heard of orach? me neither!), and this strawberry ice cream. I love strawberries, but I have a hard time finishing all the ones we get every week. I'm actually just about to go to the store to get more crusts and parmesan to make a pizza tonight. Important note on that pizza recipe- half a recipe of the sauce is enough for 2 pizzas and 4 servings of pasta.
I'm going to try to remember to post more concert photos here at least occasionally, though you can always find them on Flickr, Facebook, or MySpace.
Also coming soon- more Dyeworks updates and a couple of big (at least I think they're kinda big) announcements! I try to post an item a day to the Etsy shop, but I wait until 5 or so of the same base are up before posting a mosaic here.
I hope to be a little more useful with the knitting content. I think I'll take a look back at some of my recent designs to shed a little light on my process. I usually take a lot of WIP photos but don't make them public until I know whether I'll be self-publishing or not. Speaking of such, the Sirenia Cowl, Merlon Cowl, and Eureka Valley Mitts patterns are going to be available as hard copies at Yarndogs now. There could also be classes if there's enough interest.
Well, that's enough rambling and promises for now. I'm getting hungry!