Finished Yarn: Swamp Merino/bamboo Sock

Green and black Merino/bamboo sock yarn from Fiber Fiend roving.
I think this was my fastest spinning project yet. I started at the last meeting of the Spinnity Spinners. I had a goal of knitting Tofutsies socks for Bryan by our anniversary (June 1) and spinning and knitting socks from this fiber by his birthday (August 22). I finished the socks in about 2 weeks (yay, stockinette and not having to look!), and finished the spinning for these socks. My new goal is to knit socks for both of us by our anniversary. I spun up the Mars colorway of the same Fiber Fiend Merino/bamboo 2 years ago. I chain plied the red yarn, and it weighs 104g.
I decided to try something new with the green roving. It was dyed in a sequence that repeated a little over 3 times. I put each repeat on a separate bobbin, and spun from the whole width without splitting or pre-drafting. The leftover roving had 2 repeats of a short sequence. I split it in half width-wise, and stripped it so each bobbin would get 2/3 of a full width of the short sequence.
The point of this was to see if I could get the colors to more or less line up without doing a chained ply. Two of the bobbins were very close in color run length, but the third was noticeably off. I was disconcerted at how much of the singles yarn I had left over. I don't try to be perfect, but usually I am pretty consistent. The finished skein weighs 94g. Bryan is not too picky about cuff length, and I will knit both pairs toe-up according to the knit-to-fit recipe I've been working on.
Anyway, I am very eager to see how this knits up. If I had thought my cunning plan all the way through, I would have split everything in half lengthwise to get 2 matching skeins, one for each sock. I didn't do this, so each sock will have half of the long color repeat. They will be fraternal twins.