Curved Shawl Swatch Originally uploaded by Buxtrosion I finally managed to swatch this in a recognizable manner. Baruffa Cashwool on size 2.5 needles. I'm going to try again on 1.5 before I start the shawl. I don't think the Cashwool is that much finer than Lacey Lamb, but I think I want the circles to be a little tighter. I have lots of extra yardage, so I'm not afraid to add repeats if necessary. I liked the big, graphic pattern of the Parka-Trim Stole from Arctic Lace, but I decided I'd really rather do a curved or triangular shawl right now. Plus, I just couldn't face admitting that I had tried to swatch this pattern and failed. This shawl is patterned both rows (but so was Myrtle Leaf) and garter stitch based (yay no purling!).